The far-infrared absorption for two types of silica glasses (containing <~1ppm and 200ppm of OH) has been quantitatively investigated in the region 10100cm1 at room temperature. An absorption coefficient α(ν) increased with increasing OH content and a broad peak on a plot of α(ν)/ν2 vs ν, corresponding to a “boson peak” shifted from 41 to 36cm1. The OH-related absorption increase Δα(ν), showed a monotonic increase with frequency ν in contrast to that previously published. The rate of the absorption increase Δα(ν)/α(ν) showed a rapid decrease with frequency obeying a power-law ν1.7 between 17 and 51cm1, whereas it decreased very slowly below 17cm1. It is suggested on the basis of a noncontinuous network model for the glass that OH ions are not uniformly distributed in silica glass. The light-vibration coupling coefficient determined experimentally is briefly discussed by some models proposed before.