Uterus and endometrium: Effect of high dose progestogens on white cells and necrosis in human endometrium

Endometrium was collected from 20 high-dose progestogentreated patients and examined for leukocyte populations by immunohistochemistry and phloxlne-tartrazine staining. A labelled streptavidin-biotin-alkaline phosphatase technique was used with antibodies against leukocyte common antigen (LCA), T cells (CD3) neutrophils (NP57) macro phages (CD3 KP1) and B cells (CD3) The numbers of LCA (1070±117/mm2 CD3 (459±60/mm2), CD68 (129±21/mm2 positive cells and endometrial granulated lymphocytes (EGL) (236±41/mm2 were significantly higher than those in the control group (P 57 positive (NP57+) neutrophils were present in five out of 20 progestogen treated samples and NP57+ negative (NP57− neutrophils in another six out of 20; while a neutrophil was only identified in one control tissue (P=0.002). Three progestogen exposed endometrial samples had either focal or extensive necrosis, and many NP57+ and NP57− neutrophils were present in the necrotic areas. EGL, neutrophils and macro phages are known to release a number of cytolytic and cell toxic molecules which may play a role in the initiation or acceleration of progestational endometrial necrosis.

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