Red cell alloimmunization in multitransfused HLA‐typed patients

The authors studied retrospectively the formation of clinically significant red cell (RBC) alloantibodies in 958 HLA-typed, multiply transfused patients receiving kidney (603 patients) or liver (263 patients) transplants or plateletpheresis transfusions (92 patients). RBC alloantibodies were found in 91 (9.5%) of these patients and multiple antibodies in 35 (3.7%). Rh (D, C, c and E) antibodies accounted for 49 percent of the total and Kell antibodies for 31 percent. Antibodies were found in 15 percent of apheresis recipients and in 8.6 percent of renal and 9.5 percent of liver transplantation patients. No association was found between any HLA-A, HLA-B, or HLA-DR phenotype and the presence of RBC alloantibodies, either in general or when analyzed according to the specific antibody. Renal transplant patients with RBC alloantibodies were somewhat more broadly HLA-alloimmunized than were those without RBC alloantibodies. Patient gender did not affect these results. The authors concluded that the immune response to RBC alloantigens is independent of HLA type but is associated with an increased level of HLA antibody formation.