The two yeast histone H2A genes encode similar protein subtypes.

The sequences of the two histones H2A genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been determined. These genes encode two histone H2A subtypes which are 131 amino acids in length but differ at 2 amino acid positions: an Ala leads to Thr and a Thr leads to Ala change at positions 124 and 125. Thus, the two histone H2A subtypes have identical amino acid compositions. The coding regions of the two H2A genes are homologous at 369 of 393 bases (94%), with all but 2 of the 24 changes being silent. There is only 30% homology in the 5' flanking sequences of the two H2A genes. Like other eukaryotic histone genes, the yeast H2A genes are not interrupted by intervening sequences. When the yeast H2A histones are compared to those from other eukaryotes, there is at least 80% homology in amino acid sequence.