Studies on Nitrate Reduction

Anaerobic [microbial] incubation experiments have been performed with a Swedish subsoil (Nantuna-58). The effects of variable potential reduction agents (FeCl2.cntdot.4H2O, MnCl2.cntdot.4H2O and FeS) indicated that both ferrous iron (Fe2+) and manganous manganese (Mn2+) can stimulate the nitrate reduction process. The order of nitrate reduction potentiality for the tested reduction agents was: FeCl2.cntdot.4H2O > FeS > MnCl2.cntdot.4H2O, where the pH level has been found to play an important role. Moreover, gas chromatographic results with mass-spectrometric control vertified the fact that apart from N2 and/or N2O, also NO may be a significant gaseous reduction product in soil experiments. The stability of NO, of course, seems to have been perceptively lower than that of N2 and N2O.