The rat's postero‐orbital sinus hair: II. Normal morphology and the increase in peripheral innervation with adjacent nerve section

The morphology and innervation of the postero-orbital (PO) sinus hair has been studied in normal rats and in adult animals in which an adjacent nerve, the infraorbital nerve, was sectioned on postnatal day 0 or day 7. The normal morphology of the follicle was similar to that of mystacial sinus hairs. However, the normal innervation differed from mystacial follicles in three respects: (1) instead of a separate innervation, the deep vibrissal nerve (DVN) and dermal plexus were supplied by a common follicle and skin nerve, named here the postero-orbital cutaneous nerve, a branch of the zygomaticofacial nerve; (2) the entry of the DVN through the capsule was highly variable; in some cases fascicles entered in close proximity, but in others they were widely distributed around the capsule; and (3) two or three small nerves, called here anastomosing nerves, were found to leave the PO follicle. These arose from the DVN after it had passed through the capsule to the cavernous sinus. The anastomosing nerves passed back through the capsule and ascended on the outer surface of the follicle to join the dermal plexus. Each nerve contained 1–4 myelinated fibres and 11–35 unmyelinated fibres. Infraorbital (IO) nerve section on day 0 caused a 19% (P < 0.001, n = 8) increase in numbers of fibres to the DVN on the lesioned side. Most of the increase was due to unmyelinated fibres with no significant change in myelinated axons. No change in axon numbers in the DVN occurred after day 7 lesions. Labelling of the mystacial pad and the PO follicle did not result in any double labelling of cells in the trigeminal ganglion, in either normal or lesioned animals, making it improbable that the increased numbers of unmyelinated axons arose from rerouting of infraorbital fibres. It is suggested that the increased innervation of the PO follicle may arise by the rescue of ganglion cells from developmentally programmed cell death.