Quantitative Determination of D-Glucaric Acid in Bile in Relation to Inhibitory Effect of Bile on Bacterial β-Glucuronidase

Normal bile has a considerable effect to inhibit the activity of bacterial [beta]-glucuronidase, and such a property of bile is of practical interest since this enzyme is concerned with formation of calcium bilirubinate gallstones. In relation to this fact, it was demonstrated qualitatively in the preceding paper that bile might contain D-glucaro-l,4-lactone, a lactone of D-glucaric acid and strong inhibitor of this enzyme. To confirm the fact on a quantitative basis, the method of Ishidate et al. for quantitative estimation of D-glucaric acid in urine was modified so that it was made applicable to bile specimens. The D-glucaric acid content of human gallbladder bile as measured by this method ranged from 38 to 634 [mu]g/mL Furthermore, a significant positive correlation was pointed out between the D-glucaric acid content and the inhibitory power of bile over bacterial [beta]-glucuronidase.