Magnetic Bubble Domains in (EuY)[sub 3]Fe[sub 5]O[sub 12] Films on Sm[sub 3]Ga[sub 5]O[sub 12] Substrates

( EuY ) 3 Fe 5 O 12 films are deposited epitaxially on (100) Sm 3 Ga 5 O 12 substrates by the LPE tipping technique from PbO ‐ B 2 O 3 fluxes. Stable bubbles with a diameter as small as 0.6 μm, are observed in films of Eu 2 Y 1 Fe 5 O 12 . The induced anisotropy is about 3 × 10 5 ergs/cm 3 for films of this composition deposited at 740°C. Increasing the deposition temperatures decreases the anisotropy. Eventually for temperatures above 835°C the anisotropy becomes in‐plane and reaches a value of − 1 × 10 5 erg/cm 3 at 884°C. This unusual variation in anisotropy is accompanied by a decrease in Pb content in the film and also a decrease in the compressive stress in the film.