Comparative studies on functional and secretory properties of macrophage cell lines derived from different anatomical sites

In the present study, we compared four macrophage (Mφ) cell lines from different anatomical origins for functional and secretory activities against the two morphogenetic forms of the fungus Candida albicans. We show that all the cell lines actively phagocytize the yeast and exert antimicrobial activity against both forms of Candida, although Mφ of microglial origin are the most effective. When assessed for secretory properties, microglial Mφ exhibit a peculiar patten with respect to other Mφ populations under either basal or stimulated conditions. In particular, only microglial Mφ fail to respond to the hyphal form of the fungus (H-Candida), which instead acts as a potent tumor necrosis factor inducer in the other Mφ cell lines. When exposed to H-Candida, microglial Mφ are indistinguishable from other Mφ in their ability to modulate specific surface adhesion molecules. In addition to strengthening the knowledge on functional heterogeneity among Mφ, our data provide evidence on the peculiar behavior of microglial Mφ. To what extent Mφ heterogeneity may be related to tissue homeostasis is discussed.