Nuclear Quadrupole Interaction ofCd111as an Impurity in In, InBi, andIn2Bi in Relation to Ion Implantation

The quadrupole interaction for Cd111 (in the 5/2+ excited state) embedded in In, InBI, and In2Bi is studied using the time-differential-perturbed-angular correlation technique. The interaction frequencies ω0=(320)e2qQ1 found for Cd111 at substitutional lattice sites in these metals are ω0(In)=16.8×106 rad/sec, ω0(InBi,In site)=10.4×106 rad/sec, ω0(In2Bi,InI site)=9.7×106 rad/sec, ω0(In2Bi,InII site)=35.6×106 rad/sec, and ω0(In2Bi,Bi site)=29.6×106 rad/sec. Local contributions to the field gradients are found to be present, implying that the previous evaluations of Q(Cd111) should be attended to. For samples made by ion implantation of In111, it is found that > 96%, ≅ 80%, and ≅ 84% of the implanted atoms are substitutional at room temperature for In, InBi, and In2Bi, respectively. The latter value includes ≅ 18% of In111 at the Bi site while, for InBi, all the substitutional atoms are at In sites. The remaining implants are trapped in domains of radiation damage, characterized by a frequency distribution with a large average value ω¯0 (for InBi ω¯045×107 rad/sec).