Under continuous white light (WL), extension growth of the first internode in Sinapis alba L. was promoted by low red (R): far-red (FR) ratios reaching the stem and-or the leaves. Conversely, the growth promotion by end-of-day light treatments was only triggered by FR perceived by the leaves and cotyledons, while FR given to the growning internode alone was tatally ineffective. Continuous WL+FR given to the internode was also in-effective if the rest of the shoot remained in darkness. Both the background stem growth, and the growth promotion caused by either an end-of-day FR pulse or continuous WL+FR given to the internode, increased with increasing fluence rates of WL given to the rest of the shoot. The increase by WL of the growth-stimulatory effect of low phytochrome photoequilibria in the internode appears to be mediated by a specific blue-light-absorbing photoreceptor, as blue-deficient light from sodium-discharge lamps, or from filtered fluorescent tubes, promoted background stem growth similarly to WL but did not amplify the response to the R:FR ratio in the internode. Supplementing the blue-deficient light (94 μmol·m-2·s-1) with low fluence rates of blue (-2·s-1) restored the promotive effect of low R:FR reaching the internode.