A New Measure for Assessing the Physical Activity Behaviors of Persons with Disabilities and Chronic Health Conditions: The Physical Activity and Disability Survey

Purpose.: Assess the psychometric properties of the Physical Activity and Disability Survey (PADS), a new physical activity measure for persons with disabilities and chronic health conditions. Design.: Cross-sectional and pre-post designs were employed. Setting.: A Midwestern university fitness center. Subjects.: Participants were 103 individuals with disabilities and/or chronic health conditions. Measures.: The Physical Activity and Disability Survey (PADS), peak oxygen uptake (peak VO2), maximum workload (MW), and time to exhaustion (TE) during exercise. Results.: Factor analysis revealed a four-factor model that generally corresponded to PADS subscales. Cronbach alpha coefficients ranged from .67 (Exercise) to .77 (Time Indoors). Test-retest reliability (1-week interval) ranged from .78 (Time Indoors) to .95 (Leisure Time Physical Activity). Interrater reliability ranged from .92 (Household Activities) to .99 (Exercise, Leisure Time Physical Activity, Total Activity). Significant (p < .05) correlations were found between PADS subscales and absolute peak VO2 (Leisure Time Physical Activity, Household Activity, Total Activity), relative peak VO2 (Exercise, Time Indoors), MW (Time Indoors, Household Activity), and TE (Household Activity, Total Activity). Analyses of variance revealed that, unlike controls, health promotion program participants evidenced significant pre-post gains as measured by the Exercise subscale and Total Activity score. Conclusions.: The findings lend support for the reliability and validity of the PADS as a measure of physical activity of groups who are sedentary and disabled.