Blank response at glassy carbon electrodes in a flow injection system

The blank response at glassy carbon electrodes in a flow injection system consists of a transient component and a steady state (residual current) component. The transient response is attributed to nonfaradaic current and faradaic current from the oxidation‐reduction of electroactive surface functional groups on glassy carbon. The magnitude of the transient response was dependent on the potential applied to the electrode, temperature, ionic strength and pH of the injected sample solution, and independent of the flow rate. A linear relationship exists between the transient response and the difference in concentration of ionic species or pH between injected sample and the carrier. A differnce of 0.01 M ionic concentration or 0.04 pH unit between carrier and injected sample could change the transient charge by ca. 0.038 μC/cm2. The shape of the transient response due to pH difference at high positive potential indicates that some changes occur on glassy carbon surface in this potential region.