The value of paramagnetic contrast agent gadolinium-DTPA in the diagnosis of pituitary adenomas

The purpose of this study was to assess the role of MR imaging and the paramagnetic contrast agent Gadolinium-DTPA(Gd-DTPA) in the diagnosis of pituitary macroadenomas. 44 macroadenomas were examined with MRI before and after intravenous application of Gd-DTPA. Gd-DTPA produced excellent enhancement of solid adenoma. The best contrast between adenoma and surrounding structures could be gained on post-Gd T1-weighted images. Post-Gd images were equivalent to pre-Gd images in the evaluation of supra-and infrasellar extensions of macroadenomas. Post-Gd images had advantages in the evaluation of cavernous sinus invasion by adenoma. The difference in degree of contrast enhancement between adenoma and cavernous sinus facilitated the exact evaluation of lateral extension by adenoma in 18 cases. Almost equal degree of enhancement of both structures impaired tumor-sinus contrast in 2 cases. In the other 24 cases the tumor filled the cavernous sinus completely. It is our opinion that Gd-DTPA can be used on a widespread basis because of its excellent capability to highlight and delineate pituitary adenomas.