P32-labeled Bayer 24408 (O,O-diethyl O-naphthalimido phosphorothioate) was converted to the oxygen analog, O-ethyl phosphoric, O,O-diethyl phosphoric, O,O-diethyl phosphorothioic acids and at least three other metabolites by rats, several species of insects, and cotton plants. Differences in the degradation of Bayer 22408 by the three biological systems were not the result of the number of metabolites but of the amount of each metabolite formed. Bayer 22408 was stable in insects and most of the absorbed material was recovered as administered; the oxygen analog was formed to a limited extent. Rats degraded Bayer 22408 rapidly to water-soluble phosphoric acids, which were eliminated primarily in the urine. Some Bayer 22408 escaped degradation and was eliminated intact in the feces. Bayer 22408 was not effective as an animal systemic against several ectoparasites feeding on treated rabbits. Bayer 22408 was quite stable on the foliage of cotton plants but was not translocated to untreated portions of plants.