A combination of linear augmented-plane-wave and tight-binding (TB) techniques has been applied to calculate the electronic band structures of selected members of the Ban+1 Pbn O3n+1 ho- mologous series. The results show that the two end members of this series, Ba2 PbO4 (n=1) and BaPbO3 (n=∞), exhibit semiconducting and metallic properties, respectively. The calculated (∼1.7 eV) semiconductor gap in Ba2 PbO4, which has the K2 NiF4-type structure, is due to nearest-neighbor (spσ) interactions between Pb(6s) and O(2p) orbitals at the apical sites. TB calculations for intermediate members of this series show that this gap vanishes for the n=3 phase, Ba4 Pb3 O10, yielding semimetallic behavior. A detailed analysis of the electronic properties of this system suggests related compounds that are promising candidates for high-temperature superconductivity.