Cross sections forH3(7Li,n0)9Be andH3(7Li,ntot)

The H3 (7Li,n0 )9Be cross section was measured for 0.15<Ec.m.<1.24 MeV at θlab=0°, 45°, 90°, and 135° using Si(Li) diodes as neutron spectrometers. The H3 (7Li,ntot) cross section was measured for 0.05<Ec.m.<1.5 MeV using a 4π neutron detector. The cross section for H3 (7Li,n0 )9Be was used to calculate the thermonuclear reaction rate for the temperature range 0.3–10 GK. The results support predictions that Be9 may be produced in quantities near spectroscopic limits of observation according to some models of inhomogeneous primordial nucleosynthesis.