Drosophila females homozygous for the mutation dicephalic occasionally produce ovarian follicles with a nurse-cell cluster on each oocyte pole (dic follicles). Most dic follicles contain 15 nurse cells as in the normal follicle, but the total nurse-cell volume is larger in dic follicles; this is in keeping with the increase in DNA content recently described. However, the relative increase in oocyte volume during nurse-cell regression (from stage 10B onward) is not significantly larger in dic than in normal follicles. Time-lapse recordings in vitro show that, as a rule, both nurse cell clusters in a dic follicle export cytoplasm to the oocyte but nurse-cell regression remains incomplete at both poles and the persisting remnants of the nurse cells cause anomalies in chorion shape. The kinematics of cytoplasmic transfer are less aberrant at that oocyte pole which harbours the germinal vesicle. Possible links are discussed between these anomalies of oogenesis and the double-anterior embryonic patterns observed in the majority of developing dic eggs.