15N NMR studies of nitrogen metabolism in intact mycelia of Neurospora crassa.

Suspensions of intact mycelia of Neurospora crassa grown in medium containing 15NH4Cl have been found to give well-resolved 15N nuclear magnetic resonance spectra for metabolites that play crucial roles in intermediary nitrogen metabolism. These include the amide nitrogen of glutamine, the alpha-amino nitrogens of glutamate and other amino acids, the guanidino nitrogens of arginine, the ureido nitrogen of citrulline, the side-chain nitrogens of ornithine or lysine, or both, and uridine diphosphates. The turnover time of glutamine in vivo was estimated to be less than 1 hr by using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in conjunction with tracer methodologies. Applications of these techniques to the study of nitrogen metabolism are discussed.