Flow and tracer transport in a single fracture: A stochastic model and its relation to some field observations

Calculations for the flow and solute transport through a single rough‐surfaced fracture were carried out. The fracture plane was discretized into a square mesh to which variable apertures were assigned. The spatially varying apertures of each single fracture were generated using geostatistical methods, based on a given aperture probability density distribution and a specified spatial correlation length. Constant head boundary conditions were assumed for the flow in the x direction of a single fracture with no flow boundaries in the y direction. The fluid potential at each node of the discretization mesh was computed and the steady state flow rates between all the nodes were obtained. Our calculations showed that fluid flow occurs predominantly in a few preferred paths. Hence, the large range of apertures in the single fracture gives rise to flow channeling. The solute transport was calculated using a particle tracking method. Both the spatial and time variations of tracer breakthrough results are presented. The spatial variation of tracer transport between a line of injection points and a line of observation points are displayed in contour plots which we labeled “transfer matrix.” Our results indicate that such plots can give information on the spatial correlation length of the heterogeneity in the fracture. The tracer breakthrough curve obtained from a line of point measurements is shown to be controlled by the aperture density distribution and is insensitive to statistical realization and spatial correlation length. These results suggest the importance of making line measurements in the laboratory and the field. Sensitivity of our results on parameter variations was also investigated.