Inorganic phosphate labeled with p32 was found to be incorporated into the lipid P, pentosenucleic acid (PNA), residue organic P (ROP) and -phosphoprotein- (PP) of the sciatic nerve of the cat respiring in a Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate medium containing glucose and [p32] phosphate. The specific activities of the fractions were in the order: PP > ROP > PNA > lipid P. In nerves degenerating after section and incubated under the same conditions, there was a large increase in the specific activity of the lipid P. During the early stages of the degeneration (8 and 16 days after nerve section) there was a decrease in the specific activity of the PNA and ROP. AT 8, 16 and 32 days after nerve section the activity 61 the lipid P and PNA/100 mg nerve was greater than the corresponding figure for control nerves. In regenerating nerves 32 days after nerve crush, the specific activity of each of the 4 P-containing fractions did not differ significantly from that of the corresponding fraction 32 days after nerve section. By 96 days after the operation the specific activity of the lipid P was significantly less than that of the lipid P of nervees at the same time interval after section. The activity/100 mg nerve was considerably greater.