Bacteria closely resemblingHelicobacter pylori detected immunohistologically and genetically in resected gallbladder mucosa

A microorganism with close immunohistological and genetic resemblance toHelicobacter pylori was found in the resected gallbladder mucosa of a 41-year-old woman. The woman was admitted to hospital complaining of fever and right hypochondrial pain. Cholecystectomy was carried out under the diagnosis of gallstones and cholecystitis. A microorganism resemblingH. pylori (stained with H&E, Giemsa, and Wartin-Starry) was detected incidentally on pathological examination. The microorganism was also positive for immunohistochemical staining. An amplification reaction was seen on genetic examination by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method (urease β-genes). Our findings suggest thatH. pylori may be present in tissues other than gastric mucosa.