Clinical Experience with Light‐Emitting Diode (LED) Photomodulation

Light-emitting diode (LED) photomodulation is a novel nonthermal technology used to modulate cellular activity with light. We describe our experience over the last 2 years using 590 nm LED photomodulation within a dermatologic surgery environment. Practical use of nonthermal light energy and emerging applications in 3,500 treatments delivered to 900 patients is detailed. LED photomodulation has been used alone for skin rejuvenation in over 300 patients but has been effective in augmentation of results in 600 patients receiving concomitant nonablative thermal and vascular treatments such as intense pulsed light, pulsed dye laser, KTP and infrared lasers, radiofrequency energy, and ablative lasers. LED photomodulation reverses signs of photoaging using a new nonthermal mechanism. The anti-inflammatory component of LED in combination with the cell regulatory component helps improve the outcome of other thermal-based rejuvenation treatments.