Structure and rare-earth magnetism in (Nd1xGdx)2CuO4

Mixed compounds (Nd1x Gdx )2 CuO4 with T’ structure have been studied by x-ray diffraction, by measurements of the specific heat and of the magnetic susceptibility, and by Gd155 Mössbauer spectroscopy. For Gd contents larger than a critical concentration xcrs=0.625, marked by a discontinuity in the concentration dependence of the lattice parameters a and c, the sites of O(1) atoms in the CuO2 planes deviate from the symmetrical position in the T’ structure. The deviations correspond to rotations of the O(1) squares around the central Cu sites. These distortions lower the local symmetry at Gd sites, which is orthorhombic for x>xcrs. However, x-ray-diffraction patterns show the global symmetry to be tetragonal for all compounds. The distortions provide an explanation for the magnetic properties of Gd-rich compounds, in particular for their weak ferromagnetism. A second critical concentration, xcrm∼0.4, appears in the concentration dependence of the ordering temperature TNR of rare-earth moments. For x>xcrm, TNR increases linearly with x, from TNR=1.95 K for x=0.46 to TNR=6.5 K for x=1. For all x<xcrm, a Schottky maximum of the specific heat near 1.6 K indicates induced ordering of the rare-earth moments due to interactions with the ordered Cu moments.