Studies on Syntheses and Permeabilities of Special Polymer Membranes. 26. Preparation and Permeation Characteristics of Cellulose Membranes

New preparation methods of cellulose membranes [for use in human artificial kidneys] were studied. Homogeneous, strong cellulose membranes were obtained from mixtures of 1-3 of cellulose, 5-10 g of paraformaldehyde and 80 g of dimethylsulfoxide. The permeation characteristics and bursting strengths of these cellulose membranes were influenced significantly by preparation conditions of the membranes and permeation conditions: the former included cellulose concentration and amount of paraformaldehyde in the casting mixture, temperatures of preparation, and heat treatment of the membranes; the latter, feed concentration. These results were attributed to structures of the resulting membranes. The permeation rates for aqueous solutions of poly(ethylene glycols) were greater than for pure water. This phenomenon was discussed from viewpoints of water structure. The permeability and bursting strength of a certain cellulose membrane prepared in this work were superior to those of cuprophane membranes.

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