Professor Charles Lap Worth, in his “Sketch of the Geology of the Birmingham District”, gives a list of species (pp. 343 and 349) from “the Hyolite Limestone” and the associated shales as provisionally determined by Miss E. M. R. Wood (Mrs. Shakespeare). He referred the beds generally to the Lower Cambrian and paralleled them approximately with the fossiliferous beds of Comley, the details of which had not then been worked out. The present study of the Hyolithidæ, etc., of Woodlands Quarry, fully confirms the reference to the Lower Cambrian, and it would seem that the position of the Hyolite Limestone in the faunal sequence is near to or a little below that of the Olenellus and Grey Limestones of Comley at the local summit of the Lower Cambrian. The evidence of this is indirect, for no species has yet been identified from both localities, unless it be Micromitra labradorica, Billings sp. Nevertheless, the Hyolithidæ, etc., found in North America that are nearest to, or representative of, those of Hartshill, are there associated more or less intimately with a number of trilobites and brachiopods that find their representatives in the Comley Limestones.