Characterization and Comparison of Neurofilament Proteins from Rat and Mouse CNS

Rat and mouse CNS neurofilament proteins (NFPs) were characterized and compared, in terms of electrophoretic properties on polyacrylamide gels and by peptide mapping, with one another and with other co‐purifying lower‐molecular‐weight CNS proteins, including α and β tubulin. NFPs were partially purified by modification of the axon flotation procedure of Norton and co‐workers and were demyelinated with Triton X‐100. On one‐dimensional SDS polyacrylamide gels the molecular weights of the triad of NFPs from both rat and mouse were approximately 200,000, 140,000, and 70,000. Prominent lower‐molecular‐weight proteins (63,000‐16,000) as well as minor amounts of tubulin and actin were observed after gel electrophoresis. On two‐dimensional gels (isoelectric focusing followed by SDS gel electrophoresis) each of the NFPs appeared to be composed of more than one component and the corresponding NFPs from rat and mouse had similar isoelectric points. Gel electrophoresis peptide mapping using Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease indicated the following: (1) the triad of NFPs of different sizes have different peptide maps; (2) α and β tubulin have nonidentical digestion products, which are dissimilar to those of the NFPs; (3) other proteins that co‐purify by the axon flotation procedure also have nonidentical peptide maps; and (4) the corresponding NFPs from rat and mouse have similar peptide maps. The co‐purifying proteins examined in detail (63,000–49,000) do not appear to be derived by proteolytic cleavage of NFPs and may represent other cytoskeletal constituents.