Visual Fatigue and Saccadic Eye Movement Parameters

It has been suggested by Bahill and Stark (1975) that visual fatigue can be identified by changes in some of the saccadic eye movement parameters. These include increases in the frequency of occurrence of glissades and overlapping saccades and reductions in the peak velocity and duration of saccades. In their study, fatigue was induced by the same step tracking task that was used to evaluate the changes in saccadic parameters. However, there is evidence that subjects experience extreme feelings of fatigue while performing such a task and that somehow the task is unnatural. The present study was designed to assess whether there are any differences in the various saccadic parameters obtained while subjects perform a step tracking task and a cognitive task involving the comparison of number strings. Both tasks were presented on a VDU screen. The second objective was to establish whether there are any changes in the parameters for either task as a result of prolonged performance. The results showed no major differences in the saccadic eye movements between the two tasks and no consistent changes resulting from prolonged performance.