Molecular cloning and characterization of a pea chitinase gene expressed in response to wounding, fungal infection and the elicitor chitosan

The fungicidal class I endochitinases (E.C., chitinase) are associated with the biochemical defense of plants against potential pathogens. We isolated and sequenced a genomic clone, DAH53, corresponding to a class I basic endochitinase gene in pea, Chil. The predicted amino acid sequence of this chitinase contains a hydrophobic C-terminal domain similar to the vacuole targeting sequences of class I chitinases isolated from other plants. The pea genome contains one gene corresponding to the chitinase DAH53 probe. Chitinase RNA accumulation was observed in pea pods within 2 to 4 h after inoculation with the incompatible fungal strain Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli, the compatible strain F. solani f.sp. pisi, or the elicitor chitosan. The RNA accumulation was high in the basal region (lower stem and root) of both fungus challenged and wounded pea seedlings. The sustained high levels of chitinase mRNA expression may contribute to later stages of pea's non-host resistance.