The production of virus-induced proteins in chicken embryo fibroblast cells infected with a herpesvirus of turkeys was studied. It was found that glycoproteins isolated from membrane-rich fractions of infected cells by affinity chromatography using concanavalin A induced neutralizing and precipitating antibody in rabbits and chickens. After analytical electrophoresis, such isolates were found to contain three polypeptide bands of between 100 x 10(3) and 120 x 10(3) molecular weight not present in glycoprotein extracts of uninfected cells, and these polypeptides were further purified by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Inoculation of chickens with purified material also resulted in the production of precipitating and neutralizing antibody, showing that these high-molecular-weight polypeptides play a role in the humoral immunity to Marek's disease. Challenge of these chickens with virulent Marek's disease virus revealed that a partial protection was afforded by the inoculated glycoproteins.