Diabetes mellitus in Macaca mulatta monkeys is characterised by islet amyloidosis and reduction in beta-cell population

Diabetes mellitus in Macaca mulatta rhesus monkeys is preceded by phases of obesity and hyperinsulinaemia and is similar to Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus in man. To relate the progression of the disease to quantitative changes in islet morphology, post-mortem pancreatic tissue from 26 monkeys was examined. Four groups of animals were studied: group I — young, lean and normal (n=3); group II — older (>10 years), lean and obese, normoglycaemic (n=9); group III — normoglycaemic and hyperinsulinaemic (n=6); group IV — diabetic (n=8). Areas of islet amyloid, beta cells and islets were measured on stained histological sections. Islet size was larger in animals from groups III (pp2 was increased in group III (ppr=0.76, pMacaca mulatta and is likely to be a factor in the destruction of islet cells and onset of hyperglycaemia.