Limits onξ(2.2) formation in p¯p→K+K

We report the results of a search at the Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Alternating-Gradient Synchrotron for the ξ(2.2) observed by the Mark III group at the SLAC e+ e storage ring SPEAR. 37 000 p¯p→K+ K events and 200 000 p¯p→π+ π events were studied in the incident-momentum interval from 1.25 to 1.56 GeV/c, corresponding to a mass interval of 110 MeV/c2 about the reported ξ mass. The mass resolution was 3 MeV/c2. We find no evidence for ξ formation and determine that the product B(ξ→p¯p)B(ξ→K+ K) is <2×104 for JPC =2++ and Γ=35 MeV/c2.