Cine magnetic resonance imaging for evaluation of anatomy and flow relations in infants and children with coarctation of the aorta.

Sixteen cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies were performed in 14 patients aged 1 week to 17 years (mean age, 46 months), who had coarctation of the aorta confirmed at angiography or surgery. Conventional echocardiographic-gated MRI was first performed in axial and rotated sagittal views and was used to identify the slice locations for cine MRI. Cine MRI was performed by gradient-recalled acquisition in steady state with a 30 degree flip angle, 12-msec echo time, 22-msec pulse repetition time, and a 128 x 256 acquisition matrix. Coarctation anatomy was extremely well defined in all but one patient who had vascular clips at the coarctation repair site. The smallest descending aortic flow diameter on cine MRI showed excellent agreement with angiography (r = 0.90). Lucent jets of high-velocity flow through the site of coarctation were imaged in eight patients, and jet length correlated well with the angiographic severity of coarctation (r = -0.81). Two patients were restudied after surgery, and they exhibited excellent repair and normal flow patterns. Cine MRI provides high-resolution imaging of coarctation anatomy with a dynamic spatial and temporal visualization of flow and with excellent detail of vascular anatomy and flow both proximal and distal to the coarctation.