Reticular Synthesis of Covalent Organic Borosilicate Frameworks

This paper reports the synthesis and characterization of a new crystalline 3D covalent organic framework, COF-202: [C(C6H4)4]3[B3O6 (tBuSi)2]4, formed from condensation of a divergent boronic acid, tetra(4-dihydroxyborylphenyl)methane, and tert-butylsilane triol, tBuSi(OH)3. This framework is constructed through strong covalent bonds (Si−O, B−O) that link triangular and tetrahedral building units to form a structure based on the carbon nitride topology. COF-202 demonstrates high thermal stability, low density, and high porosity with a surface area of 2690 m2 g−1. The design and synthesis of COF-202 expand the type of linkage that could be used to crystallize new materials with extended covalent organic frameworks.