Segregation of seed proteins and isozymes was analysed in two Citrullus crosses. In the first cross an F1 hybrid between C. lanatus and the wild species C. colocynthis was used as a female parent in a backcross to C. lanatus. In this interspecific cross the segregation of 17 markers was analysed. Four linkage groups were identified: linkage group 1 includes the genes Est-2, Skdh-2, Tpi-1, Fdp-1, Sod-1 and Prx-1; linkage group 2 — Got-1, Got-2 and Sp-4; linkage group 3 — Pgm-1 and Gdh-2; linkage group 4 with Pgi-1 and Pgi-2. In the second cross an F1 hybrid between two C. colocynthis accessions was backcrossed to one of its parents. Seven loci were scored and no new linkages were found.