1. Cows accustomed to preparation for milking 1 min. before putting on the teat cups were on single mornings (a) milked without preparation, (b) milked 3 min. after preparation, (c) milked 6 min. after preparation.On treatment (a) ‘let-down’ was delayed but thereafter milking rate was not abnormal. Treatment (b) had no pronounced effect on milking efficiency, but treatment (c) resulted in a slightly slower rate of milking and a reduced yield of milk and butterfat.2. In a second experiment a comparison was made between two established routines, in one of which udder washing, fore-milking and concentrate feeding was done less than 1 min. before milking and in the other more than 20 min. before milking. The data suggest that milking immediately after preparation was the more efficient routine, although the differences were not very great.

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