Cross sections and polarization of impact radiation have been calculated for the excitation of Be+(2s) and Mg+(3s) ions in collisions with ground-state He and Ne atom targets in the energy range Ec.m.=0.5100 keV. Each ion-atom pair has been treated as a quasi-one-electron three-particle system consisting of the valence electron of the ion, the closed-shell ion core, and the closed-shell rare-gas atom. The interactions among these three have been represented by model potentials. Charge transfer and excitation of the rare-gas target atoms are neglected. We have obtained three- and seven-state (in the case of Mg+) close-coupling solutions to the impact-parameter equations, assuming a rectilinear trajectory for the motion of the two heavy particles. Comparisons are made of theoretical predictions based on two Bottcher-type model potentials (VB1 and VB2) and the simple Hartree-Fock frozen-core potential (VHF) for the electron-rare-gas interaction. The predictions based on VHF agree better with experimental results than do those based on VB1 or VB2, especially in the case of Be+-Mg+-He collisions.