Studies in Alcoholism

The effects of various foodstuffs on the rate of alcohol disappearance from blood has been investigated in animal and in man. The utilization of glucose to which insulin is added has developed into a therapeutic technique used in the treatment of acute alcoholism.1By contrast, lipids have been tested to a much less extent, and the available evidence indicates that their effect on the rate of alcohol utilization is negligible.2,3,9Amino acids administered to experimental animals have seldom been given by infusion,4mainly orally,5,6,8,9and rarely as pure amino acids.11In man the oral route is the more popular one,6,7except post-operatively, when amino acids are administered intravenously, together with alcohol and glucose to make up the desired number of calories.12The oral administration of both alcohol and food has the disadvantage of obscuring the mechanism of action of amino acids on