The functional organization of the low-threshold supplementary eye field (SEF) was studied by analyzing presaccadic activity, electrically elicited saccades, and the relationship between them. Response-field optimal vectors, defined as the visual field coordinates or saccadic eye-movement dimensions evoking the highest neural discharge, were quantitatively estimated for 160 SEF neurons by systematically varying peripheral target location relative to a central fixation point and then fitting the responses to Gaussian functions. Saccades were electrically elicited at 109 SEF sites by microstimulation (70 ms, 10–100 μA) during central fixation. The distribution of response fields and elicited saccades indicated a complete representation of all contralateral saccades in SEF. Elicited saccade polar directions ranged between 97 and 262° (data from left hemispheres were transformed to a right-hemisphere convention), and amplitudes ranged between 1.8 and 26.9°. Response-field optimal vectors (right hemisphere transformed) were nearly all contralateral as well; the directions of 115/119 visual response fields and 80/84 movement response fields ranged between 90 and 279°, and response-field eccentricities ranged between 5 and 50°. Response-field directions for the visual and movement activity of visuomovement neurons were strongly correlated (r = 0.95). When neural activity and elicited saccades obtained at exactly the same sites were compared, response fields were highly predictive of elicited saccade dimensions. Response-field direction was highly correlated with the direction of saccades elicited at the recording site (r = 0.92, n = 77). Similarly, response-field eccentricity predicted the size of subsequent electrically elicited saccades (r = 0.49,n = 60). However, elicited saccades were generally smaller than response-field eccentricities and consistently more horizontal when response fields were nearly vertical. The polar direction of response fields and elicited saccades remained constant perpendicular to the cortical surface, indicating a columnar organization of saccade direction. Saccade direction progressively shifted across SEF; however, these orderly shifts were more indicative of a hypercolumnar organization rather than a single global topography. No systematic organization for saccade amplitude was evident. We conclude that saccades are represented in SEF by congruent visual receptive fields, presaccadic movement fields, and efferent mappings. Thus SEF specifies saccade vectors as bursts of activity by local groups of neurons with appropriate projections to downstream oculomotor structures. In this respect, SEF is organized like the superior colliculus and the frontal eye field even though SEF lacks an overall global saccade topography. We contend that all specialized oculomotor functions of SEF must operate within the context of this fundamental organization.