The paper discusses the use of airborne pulse-Doppler techniques for the sensing of particle motion inside convective storms. A downward-looking beam method providing observations of particle vertical velocity distributed in a vertical plane generated by the aircraft's motion is presented in detail. The possible use of a horizontal beam, which is perpendicular to the aircraft's trajectory and senses horizontal motion, is briefly mentioned. Included is a discussion of the application of the method to the probing of vertical air motion in convective storms and the observation of drop-size distributions in widespread rain. The real-time processing and recording of the Doppler signals by an on-line digital computer installed aboard the airplane is also described. The paper discusses the accuracy of the velocity measurements as related to radar system parameters and the aircraft ground speed. Abstract The paper discusses the use of airborne pulse-Doppler techniques for the sensing of particle motion inside convective storms. A downward-looking beam method providing observations of particle vertical velocity distributed in a vertical plane generated by the aircraft's motion is presented in detail. The possible use of a horizontal beam, which is perpendicular to the aircraft's trajectory and senses horizontal motion, is briefly mentioned. Included is a discussion of the application of the method to the probing of vertical air motion in convective storms and the observation of drop-size distributions in widespread rain. The real-time processing and recording of the Doppler signals by an on-line digital computer installed aboard the airplane is also described. The paper discusses the accuracy of the velocity measurements as related to radar system parameters and the aircraft ground speed.

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