Increase of Proliferative Activity of Leukaemic Blast Cells from Human Peripheral Blood in Liquid Culture

The proliferative behavior of leukemic blast cells from the peripheral blood of 12 patients with acute leukemia was investigated in short term liquid culture. In 3 cases of AML [acute myelogenous leukemia] an increase of the blast cell number was observed exceeding the initial value, whereas in 9 other cases the cell number decreased more or less rapidly. In 9 of these patients the proliferation kinetics of the cultured leukemic blast cells were studied with 3H-thymidine labeling. In all these cases the labeling index increased during the 1st days of culture, in 3 cases to values of 48, 45 and 38% on day 3. Only in 5 cases did an absolute increase of the blast cells incorporating 3H-thymidine occur. Here the doubling times of the proliferating leukemic blast cells were estimated to be 12, 13, 14, 28 and 55 h. Since a doubling time of 12-14 h seems to be too short to be explained only by exponential growth of the initially proliferating cells leukemic blast cells in a G0- or long G1-phase were present in the peripheral blood of these patients and these entered the cell cycle during liquid culture.