IN THE course of a routine neurological examination, we encountered a patient with voluntary nystagmus associated with oscillopsia. The fact that each phenomenon has been rarely encountered and the association of the two is even more unusual has prompted this communication. Nystagmus1 is an involuntary rapid movement of the eyeball which may be either lateral, vertical, rotary, or any combination of these. The nystagmus is named on the basis of the direction of the fast component. Oscillopsia is a condition of oscillating vision in which objects seem to jerk, wiggle, and move back and forth. There are various methods of classifying nystagmus. A clinical classification based on severity is one type.2 Thus, nystagmus which occurs only to one side is referred to as grade 1; that which occurs to one side and straight ahead, grade 2; and that which occurs to both sides and straight ahead, grade 3.