Continuous high volume venous-venous haemofiltration in acute renal failure

Continuous, high volume, venous-venous haemofiltration was used as renal support in 28 critically ill patients with acute renal failure. Fifteen patients survived and were subsequently discharged from the ITU. Although haemofiltration was highly effective in reducing the blood urea and serum creatinine, only survivors demonstrated a significant increase in arterial pH (medians before and at two days 7.28 and 7.49 respectively, pp<0.005). Patients who died remained severely ill and acidotic (median APACHE II scores before and at two days 26 and 28; median arterial pH values 7.32 and 7.31 respectively) and by day two of treatment, marked differences between the patient groups in APACHE II scores, mean arterial pressure, arterial pH and urine flow rate had developed. Haemofiltration with the correction of acute uraemia alone does not necessarily lead to a reduction in the severity of illness which in the critically ill more frequently reflects other organ dysfunction.