Nutritional Evaluation of Women in Urban and Rural Areas in Korea as Studied by Total Food Duplicate Method.

Nutrient intake was studied by the total food duplicate method in 141 adult working women (at the ages of 21 to 56 years) in four regions (Seoul, Pusan, Chunan and Haman) in Korea. Clinical, hematological and anthropometrical examinations were conducted in parallel. The nutrient intakes were estimated in reference to the weight of each food item and the national standard food composition tables for Korean population, and evaluated in comparison with the nationally recommended dietary allowances (RDA). The intakes were essentially sufficient when evaluated on a group basis. Plant-based foods were major sources of both protein (67%) and lipid (72%). Dinner was the most substantial sources of all nutrients. Further evaluation on an individual basis taking 80-120% RDA as acceptable showed that young people (at the ages of 20-29 years) and those in Seoul had highest prevalence of insufficient intake of nutrients, especially energy, protein and iron. Consumption of rice, the traditional staple food, was the lowest in Seoul and in the youngest groups as compared with others. The prevalence of overweight cases was also the lowest in the Seoul participants. The two observations when combined apparently suggest the difficulties in public nutrition.