High-Energy Gamma Rays and Low-Energy Protons and Deuterons from C12 + p for Ep=1420 MeV

The 90° yield of gamma rays from proton bombardment of C12 was studied for proton energies between 14 and 20 MeV. Gamma rays are observed corresponding to the ground-state decay of the C12 4.43-, 12.7-, and 15.1-MeV levels and from the C12(p, γ0)N13 reaction. Three resonances are observed in the yield of the 15.1-MeV gamma ray. These resonances correspond to N13 levels at 18.1, 18.65, and 19.8 MeV. The N13 18.1-MeV level has a width of 330±100 keV in the center-of-mass system. The other two levels have widths less than 200 keV. The yields of the 4.43- and 12.7-MeV gamma rays reveal little or no structure. The excitation function of the C12(p, γ0)N13 reaction also shows little structure. Angular distributions and absolute integrated cross sections for the C12(p, p)C12 reaction are given for the C12 12.7-MeV level with Ep=17.5, 19.5, and 20 MeV and for the C12 15.1-MeV level with Ep=19.5 MeV. The latter is approximately symmetrical about 90° which suggests possible contribution from the compound nucleus reaction mechanism. Comparison of the cross sections for C12(p, pγ)C12 and C12(p, p)C12 gives ΓγΓ=0.027±0.007 for the C12 12.7-MeV state and 1.15±0.3 for the C12 15.1-MeV state. The yield of the C12(p, d)C11 reaction was measured by the stacked foil technique from threshold (Ep=17.85 MeV) to 19.8 MeV. There is no evidence for structure. Angular distributions are given for the