Encephalopathy of Behcet's disease

A 33-year-old Negro male died after a neurological disorder lasting 91/2 years which was clinically and pathoanatomically consistent with Behcet''s disease. The disease began with neurological manifestations which remained the only clinical abnormalities during the last 2 years. The pathoanatomi-cal study revealed only a few minute foci of necrosis, a remarkable and widespread scarring of the adventitia, and a striking central chroma -tolysis, involving certain nuclei and cell types. The paucity of necrosis and the presence of perivascular scarring are considered to be causally related to the long duration of the illness. The finding of topistically arranged central chromatolysis suggests that the patient suffered from malnutrition despite adequate intake. Therefore, this might be the result of malabsorption and should invite appropiate clinical measures in pertinent cases.