Community Health Nurses' HIV Care Behavior

The purpose of this study was to examine community health nurses' attitudes, subjective norms, and intentions to care for patients who are HIV positive using the theory of reasoned action. One hundred and forty-five participants completed a questionnaire developed according to guidelines described by Ajzen and Fishbein (1980). Consistent with the theory, nurses' attitudes and subjective norms were found to be significant predictors of intentions to care for persons who are HIV positive (R2 = .15). Personal beliefs found to discriminate between intenders and nonintenders were those related to possible consequences for self, family, and friends, but not to job-related consequences. In addition, qualitative data showed persistent concerns about occupational risk for contracting AIDS. Based on the results of this research, it is recommended that nurse educators in both clinical and academic settings target specific educational and training interventions to include transmission, prevention, and exploration of feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral intentions about HIV-related topics. Further theory-based research and testing of interventions to change community health nurses' attitudes and beliefs about HIV disease are advocated.