We present the first detailed theoretical study of the inelastic neutron scattering contribution Sth(Q,ω) from thermally excited quasiparticles in superfluid He4, with emphasis on the low-Q collisionless limit. In the temperature region where rotons are the dominant excitation, our results for Sth(Q,ω) scale with Landau's normal fluid density. We argue that Sth(Q,ω) is the origin of the broad temperature-dependent continuum which Woods and Svensson (1978) have observed at temperatures above about 1.7 K. Our specific model calculations of Sth(Q,ω) are based on evaluating the regular part of the longitudinal momentum current-current correlation function within the Bogoliubov approximation, but the experimental quasiparticle (roton) spectrum is used in our numerical calculations. Our expression satisfies the normal fluid f-sum rule in the long-wavelength collisionless limit and is in essential agreement with the general picture suggested by Pines and Nozières in 1964. Our present theory involves several approximations which probably limit its validity to Q0.5 Å1. Some generalizations to deal with the larger values of Q studied by Woods and Svensson are briefly discussed.