A planar GaAs integrated circuit (IC) fabrication technology capable of LSI complexity has been developed. The circuit and fabrication approaches were chosen to satisfy LSI requirements for high yield, high density, and low power. This technology utilizes Schottky-diode FET logic (SDFL) incorporating both high-speed switching diodes and 1-µ m GaAs MESFET's. Circuits are fabricated directly on semi-insulating GaAs using multiple localized implantations. Rapid progress in the development of this technology has already led to the successful demonstration of high-speed (\tau_{d} \sim 100ps) low-power (∼500 µW/gate) GaAs MSI (∼60-100 gates) circuits. Extension of the current MSI technology to the LSI/VLSI domain will depend critically on device yield which will be dictated by the GaAs material properties and by the fabrication processes used. The purpose of this paper is to describe a GaAs IC process technology which combines advanced planar device and multilevel interconnect structures with several LSI compatible processes including multiple localized ion implantations, reduction photolithography, plasma etching, reactive ion etching, and ion milling.