We consider the effect of a doubly charged Higgs boson (Δ) on several processes. We find that the effective Hamiltonian that is normally used to interpret the results of muonium-antimuonium oscillation experiments also describes the t-channel exchange of a Δ. A limit on the existence of the Δ is extracted from the most recent muonium oscillation result. The effect of Δ exchange on high-energy Bhabha scattering is discussed, and a limit is extracted from the published cross sections of several experiments at the SLAC and DESY storage rings PEP and PETRA. The case of a nondiagonal coupling of the Δ to the charged leptons (nondiagonal in lepton flavor) is considered. A limit is extracted from the result of the most recent search for the rare decay μ3e. Finally, a coupling-independent limit is extracted from a recent measurement of the process e+e4 leptons at PETRA.